100 Ways to Be Kind: A Comprehensive List to Sustainable Living in New Zealand

Posted by Chris Larcombe on

We all get caught up in the daily grind of life. It’s not always easy to remember to be kind. To be kind to others, our natural environment, ourselves… the list goes on.

There’s so much we could and should be doing each and every day to live a kinder life.

We thought: "How could we remind Kiwis to live more sustainable lives? And how could we remind ourselves to be kind every day?" So, here is our answer. A comprehensive list of 100 ways to be kind to New Zealand, our natural environment, its inhabitants and each other.

This list should serve as a daily reminder. Bookmark this page and scan through the list whenever you are in need of some Kind inspiration.

Although there are 100 points below, there are many that have not been added (yet!) We encourage you to join in on the conversation and add to this ongoing list of ways to be kinder in New Zealand. Let’s grow the list together. Leave your ideas in the comments and we'll add these in so that the list can keep growing. We're aiming for 200 by the end of 2023.

self-care (be kind to yourself)

1. Read.

Reading is good for you. Get lost in a book for an hour or two and switch off from work, your phone, and even your partner.

You can also think of reading as a brain workout. It helps us expand our knowledge and become more useful in the world, so we can ultimately help and serve others better.

2. Join a library.

Join a library instead of buying books. You will save a lot of paper (trees) and ink as well!

3. Write (journaling).

Writing is one of the best exercises for your mind. Journaling, for instance, is a great way to capture your thoughts. It is often our fleeting thoughts that are profound, but we do not have time to really ponder them. Think about writing these thoughts down later in the day, or early the next morning when you're relaxed. Then you can explore the thought in more detail and capture its profoundness.

4. Spend time outdoors - we are blessed with wonderful nature in NZ.

The time we spend in nature connects us to something deeper than our daily routine. Spending time outdoors on a weekly basis is essential. Green and blue spaces can give a real boost to our mental health and well-being.

5. Soak up some sun.

Sunlight converts cholesterol into vitamin D, which regulates calcium and phosphate in the body and keeps your bones, teeth, and muscles healthy.

Don't forget to wear sunscreen! This deserves a separate point...

Sheep lay in the sun with their eyes closed on a patch of grass next to a fence

6. Use sunscreen and wear a hat when outdoors.

It's obvious, but too often forgotten. A nasty disease that starts with a C can be caused by not protecting your skin from direct sun exposure.

7. Choose to use kinder language.

A beautiful book by Marshall Rosenberg explains how to choose Kinder words when communicating. Especially in the work environment, which can be stressful and challenging at times. It’s called Nonviolent Communication. Quite a strange title, but don't judge a book by its cover! Rosenberg talks about the language we use daily and the emotional baggage our words carry. If we become more strategic with the words we use, we can better communicate the positivity and love that we desire to spread.

8. Drink more water.

It's obvious, isn't it? You should be drinking around two litres of water per day. The average person drinks too little water. Get yourself a 2-litre (glass) water bottle and make it a habit to take sips throughout the day.

9. Smile.

It’s infectious and undeniably good for everyone you come into contact with. You might just smile at someone who really needed it!

Smiling has many benefits, not the least of which is that smiling can actually help us live longer. People who smile more often are generally happier and, since smiling decreases blood pressure and releases endorphins, it's a great way to boost health and protect your golden years.

10. Crack a joke.

Laughter is said to be the best medicine, and it's true! Good humour can often diffuse tense situations. The most fun-loving and enjoyable people are those who know how to make their friends laugh!

Share a good joke whenever you have a chance. This is both a good mental exercise and a lot of fun. In addition, it's a good way to begin a conversation.

11. Exercise.

Exercise is a tricky one. Despite the fact that it's an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, it's so easy to neglect. Committing to sports, or some form of exercise two or three days a week is a good idea. This way you can turn exercise into an integral part of your life. You will be better for it.

Sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, brisk walking can help you build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier. You do not have to walk for hours. If you can’t manage 30 minutes a day, remember ‘even a little is good, but more is better’.

12. Meditate.

Our minds are beautiful instruments, but they can drain our energy if we don't know how to switch them off. Take time to practise mindfulness and be present in the moment. Meditation is one of many ways to get there.

13. Practise gratitude.

There is so much to be thankful for, and we don't always realise it. Life can be busy, so we sometimes forget to stop and reflect on all the beautiful people around us.

Furthermore, we have access to better tools and technologies than ever before, designed to make our lives easier. Take a moment to imagine living 300 years ago. If a loved one left the country, you wouldn't hear from them for months. Did you ever think how wonderful it is to be able to hear a loved one's voice in an instant on your mobile device? Our era is one of comfort, and we should be thankful for it.

When was the last time you thanked your spleen or thyroid gland for doing their jobs? Our daily lives are filled with so many things we take for granted. Sitting and thinking about what we are thankful for can be very powerful. Even if only for 5 or 10 minutes each morning.

14. Rest.

Be sure to rest well. Our well-being depends on good sleep and relaxation.

2 white snow sled dogs lying on the snow sleeping

15. Go to bed early.

If you can afford it, getting into bed early is a great habit.

16. Wake up early and get a head start.

You can change your life by adopting this habit. Early morning reflections or setting your intentions for the day is a hugely beneficial practice that ties into waking up early. It is also a good time to practise gratitude and become present. This will set the tone for your entire day ahead.

17. Invest in quality bedding.

High-quality natural materials will help you get the sleep you deserve, and that your body & mind need. It's worth investing in your sleep.

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Woman laughing with eyes closed lying on a bed cuddling a Kind Face Wool Body Pillow pregnancy pillow

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18. Avoid unkind makeup.

Cosmetics can contain fossil fuel-derived ingredients that contribute to our collective carbon footprint. Choose a makeup brand whose production process is eco-friendly. A great practice is to go makeup-free one or two days a week. Keep in mind that natural is beautiful!

Not sure how to go about it? Blac Cosmetics has you covered. They produce professional grade makeup that’s gentle on your skin, ethically sourced, paraben-free and cruelty-free. What more could you ask for?

travel & transport

19. Carpool.

Try not to drive alone. Carpooling is a great way to reduce your environmental impact in terms of air pollution.

20. Use public transportation.

Public transport is the best way to get around. It's just a matter of maths. There are a lot fewer emissions going around if 30 people ride together in one bus versus 30 different cars. Besides helping traffic, it will also benefit your nervous system as taking the bus is much more relaxing than driving. Plus, you get to read a book while travelling!

A red tram operating in snow with its headlight on

21. Use a bicycle as transport.

Reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions. You'll get the added benefits of a workout.

Take in the fresh air and get to know your local community better.

22. Walk (and see more).

Travelling on foot is a great way to see more, especially when you are exploring unknown territory. It's also a great workout!

23. Watch out for wildlife when you have to drive.

No one likes roadkill.

We should remember that they were here before us!

24. Avoid elevators, escalators and moving walkways.

Resist the urge to use the elevator, escalator or the moving walkway. In addition to making us lazy, airports and malls also waste electricity with these human conveyor belts.

25. Holiday in our own backyard locally.

Get swept up in New Zealand's charm. Our scenery and wildlife are some of the most beautiful and diverse in the world!

Avoid air travel if possible. Aviation contributes 2 - 3% of global annual CO2 emissions.

26. Camp!

A camping holiday is the most environmentally friendly way to holiday, plus it's an unforgettable experience. It's just special to be so close to nature, isn't it?

27. Choose an electric or hybrid car when using Uber.

Uber allows you to ride in an electric or hybrid car in most advanced countries. It's more friendly on the local environment, if you can make the choice.

28. Use a local guide.

Exploring new areas is made easier with the help of local guides. You can depend on a local to show you the best spots at the right time, whether you are surfing, birding, hunting, or fishing.

Using a local guide supports the local economy, which is important. In addition, these are the people who care most about the natural environment you are exploring, so your money is well spent.

29. Visit the neighbours.

If you are itching to travel outside of New Zealand, look at our neighbours first. While Australia and New Zealand give each other a lot of stick, there is a strong sense of mutual respect between the two countries. Australia offers endless opportunities to explore its unique wildlife, cities, deserts, and oceans.

There are some incredibly unique islands around New Zealand. To the east are Chatham- and Pitt Islands, to the south are Rakiura- and Motu Maha Islands, and to the north is Aotea Island. You could spend a year exploring Fiji, Tonga, Cook Island, and French Polynesia just a little farther northeast! People from all over the world travel to these breathtaking destinations, yet they are right on our doorstep.

These closer destinations mean less jet fuel being blasted into space.

30. Sail.

Even though sailing is much slower than flying (that's the whole point), it is extremely eco-friendly. Is there anything more eco-friendly than using the wind to get around?

You can take sailing courses throughout New Zealand and learn more about exploring the oceans by wind. Check out YachtingNZ.

A sailboat anchored on a very calm sea with no wind as the sun is setting


31. Follow Ethically Kate on Instagram (and read her blog).

You will find the most interesting articles on NZ-focussed sustainability, like this one: Why Costco should leave New Zealand.

Learn how to live a more sustainable life and be inspired to do so. Also, you will be very, very entertained.

32. In fact, clean up all of your social media accounts.

Instagram, Facebook, and the rest can be great sources of inspiration or a total waste of valuable and limited time, depending on the pages you follow. Follow some of the accounts that Ethically Kate follows. You're sure to find interesting causes and people to follow.

33. Read Ethically Kate’s new book.

We're obsessed with Ethically Kate, as you might already know. It's not without reason. A loving and kind soul, she has dedicated her life to living sustainably and spreading the word. She just released a brand new book. For a limited time, you can get her book "Better, Bolder, Different" + a Kind Face Linen Weighted Eye Mask for $95!

Ethically Kate's Book:

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34. Support local establishments.

When you buy closer to home, the entire supply chain is lighter, and fewer resources are used. Besides, it is the right thing to do.

35. When shopping, avoid large establishments when possible.

In general, larger chain stores are more focused on profit than anything else, and their decisions are based on that. Exceptions do exist, of course.

Ensure a company shares your values by reading its vision and mission statement before you purchase from them.

36. Choose environmentally conscious companies.

Increasingly, companies are coming to terms with the reality of unsustainable manufacturing. It is crucial that a company and its executive team commit to doing things better. Better for the environment and better for future generations. As soon as a company makes this commitment, choosing environmentally friendly materials becomes much easier. Even if it reduces profit margins.

Seek out companies that use biodegradable, reusable or locally recyclable packaging, and are committed to using environmentally friendly materials and processes.

Kind Face keeps sustainability top of mind throughout ALL business decisions.

37. Vote!

It is more important than you may think to cast your vote. We must vote for and support leaders who have our best interests at heart. We should get behind the right leaders since they represent our values on a larger scale.

A woman placing her voting ballot into a ballot box in a voting hall

38. Speak up.

The abuse of children and women is a serious problem around the world, including New Zealand. Speaking out against violence whenever we encounter it is one of the most powerful things we can do as individuals. Rather than doing what's easy, do what's right and speak up! Oftentimes, it is easier said than done, especially when you are the victim in the situation, in which case you should contact your local authorities and explain what has happened. Check out the New Zealand Family Violence Clearing House's FAQs if you have questions about the situation.

Our community needs certain laws so that it can remain healthy. As a citizen, it is your responsibility to speak up if you see someone breaking the law. Again, it's not always easy, since the wrongdoer might be a friend or family member. The key is to think about the bigger picture and make the right decision.

39. Choose hobbies that emphasise sustainability.

Scuba diving, for example, encourages environmental protection. Hiking is another. The combination of conservation and your favourite pastime is a winning one. Another brilliant example is nature photography.

40. Be a tidy kiwi .

f you see litter, pick it up and dispose of it responsibly. Small things make a big difference when we do them collectively.

41. Donate if and when you can.

In New Zealand, there are some amazing charities that care for cancer patients, elderly people (often without children to take care of them), and the homeless. Here is a list of major charities in NZ.

The act of giving to someone in need fills our hearts with love and joy. This is a good thing for the community as a whole.

It's also handy to remember that in some cases donations can often be offset against tax.

42. Live off grid.

At least for the weekend! Living off the grid in New Zealand is a wonderful experience. For some inspiration, check out this article by Liz Carlson!

43. Donate your time to a worthy cause.

Donating your time to support those around you is extremely beneficial, both for you and your community.

It is proven that people who volunteer regularly are healthier both physically and mentally.

44. Buy second-hand clothes from your local Hospice Shop.

People with life-limiting illnesses who cannot care for themselves receive hospice care free of charge. Thanks to your purchases. Isn't it great to spend money at the hospice shop with a smile on your face?

This is a great place to find highly original garments for a great price! Plus you are reusing a garment which still has life in it versus a new item being made for future landfill. So much kindness in one place!

45. Buy other stuff from your local Hospice or thrift stores.

Here are some cool things we found at the Hospice:

  • Squash and tennis racquets.
  • Beautiful paintings (for a couple of dollars).
  • Surfboards.
  • Empty jars for making candles.
  • Cool crockery and glasses.
  • Good books.
Man dressed neat and warm looking through second-hand books

46. Learn how to shop secondhand.

Some people are pros at shopping for second-hand gear. It might be possible to find expert advice on buying a specific item second-hand, depending on the sport, hobby, or general item you are looking for. By asking the right questions and knowing what to look out for, you can determine if an item is a bargain or a rip-off. Are you considering buying a secondhand surfboard? For e.g, check out this guide. You can find a lot of practical advice on buying specific second-hand items on the internet.

47. Send a kind message every morning.

The act of complimenting someone (in a genuine way) will actually make you (and the other person) feel great. You'll have an awesome day if you can think of a kind word to say to someone first thing in the morning. It's also good Karma. Here are a couple of examples you can start with:

  • I'd be lost without you.
  • Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you right now.

48. See what’s right.

In situations and in life, what you seek you shall find. You'll find what's wrong if you look for it. You'll find the bad in someone if you look for it. What’s wrong is always available, so is what's right! Seek out the good in every situation, and you'll always find what’s right.

49. Be a soundboard for a friend.

Listening to someone's problems can be emotionally draining, but it might mean the world to them. Try to be a soundboard for someone who needs to talk. Mental health is a serious issue that can become extremely problematic if left untreated. A listening ear can really make a big difference. The number one step towards improving mental health is talking about our problems and feelings.

As a result, you'll be able to recognize when a loved one needs professional assistance. It could be the difference between life and death.

If you feel the need to talk to someone, but don’t have anyone to talk to, check out this awesome service. "1737" offers free counselling services for anyone in need. Save the number for the next time you’re feeling down.

food sourcing

50. Waste less food.

Make the most of leftover food by reusing it creatively. Check out this awesome Pinterest collection by Tammy Koop. Last night's dinner can be reused in so many awesome ways!

51. Buy local fruits and vegetables.

Commit to buying only locally farmed fresh produce.

52. Harvest your own food.

Humans have been largely removed from animal and other food processing, which is one of our biggest problems. The whole thing takes place behind closed doors. As a result, all we see is a beautiful, vacuum-sealed, aged steak that is free from blood. But at what price? We can only imagine how much less meat would be consumed if we killed and processed the animals ourselves. Getting involved with these uncomfortable situations gives us perspective, and ultimately forces us to respect the animals we often take for granted.

If you live near the sea you can catch fresh fish, lobsters, and abalone; you can also pick wild mushrooms, herbs, plants and roots for stews and other local dishes. You can even hunt your own meat. There are endless possibilities for harvesting your own food in New Zealand. Unsure where to start? Check out this awesome Beginners Guide for Foraging in New Zealand. Ensure that you obtain the proper permits and seek professional advice when picking mushrooms and plants.

53. When harvesting food from nature, take only what you need.

When harvesting from the wild, it is extremely important to adhere to bag limits. There will be no natural food sources left for future generations if they are not conserved properly.

male hand holding up a fresh mackerel in a fish factory

54. Slow down on meat.

Numerous documentaries have been made about the meat industry's environmental impact. Meat production is, of course, very profitable.

As mentioned above, we are far removed from the harsh reality of butchering animals for their meat. It’s worth keeping this in mind next time you mindlessly pick up that beautifully prepared piece of beef.

We aren't saying a plant-based diet, a vegan diet or even a vegetarian diet is the only way forward. But most of us consume more meat than we need, so eating less meat is generally a good idea.

55. Try alternative milk.

Have you ever considered the true nature of cow's milk? Cows produce this liquid specifically for calves to help them grow. Milk is, by design, meant for baby mammals. Is milk necessary for adults? We’ve been told that it has big benefits, even for adults. Yet, it makes no sense drinking it.

Try oat, almond or macadamia milk if you haven't already. You won't believe the delicious alternative milks available today. Nowadays, almost all coffee shops offer alternative milk.

Cows contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Plants used for alternative milk production turn CO2 back into Oxygen. Just saying.

As Bob Dylan once sang: “Oh the times, they are-a-changin!”

56. Eat locally caught, sustainable seafood.

We are blessed in New Zealand to have a constant source of fresh seafood available to us, locally harvested. Why do we need to eat imported seafood which travels thousands of miles to get to us, and doesn’t give back to the local economy?

57. Avoid palm oil.

Deforestation in tropical places is largely caused by palm oil plantations. As a result of palm oil's versatility, it is so widely used. There is huge demand for it across the globe. For many years, it could be found in almost every food product on supermarket shelves. It is fortunate that a lot of consumers are aware of the devastating effects of this single product and avoid it at all costs. You can learn more about the devastating effects of palm oil demand by visiting WWF-UK.

58. Avoid packaged goods.

Reduce the amount of packaged goods you purchase by buying more fresh organic produce. Packaged goods usually contain additives (sometimes hidden). It’s best to avoid them as far as is reasonably possible.

59. Read the label.

Read the label on the back of packaged items before you buy them. If you are unfamiliar with some words that sound like they belong in a science lab, look them up to find out what they mean - or maybe avoid buying the item altogether.

60. When eating chicken or eggs, choose free-range.

There shouldn't be an alternative.

61. Shop at a grocery store that supports the local community.

In some cases, grocery stores do more to support the local economy and stay true to their customers' values than to simply make a profit.

62. What about chocolate? Make sure it's ethically sourced.

Another great article by Ethically Kate: “How Ethical Is Your Chocolate?”. When it comes to chocolate, the journey from bean to slab is complicated. This informative article will help you make a more ethical purchase decision the next time you crave chocolate.


63. Brew your own.

It's so tempting to grab a takeaway coffee. The convenience is unbeatable, not to mention the amazing coffee! But the reality is every takeaway coffee results in a lot of wastage.

Save a takeaway brew for special occasions. You'll appreciate it even more.

64. Get a travel mug.

Get yourself one of these awesome travel mugs if you're an absolute coffee connoisseur or work nearby a coffee shop.

65. Buy ethically sourced coffee.

Seek out independently certified ethical labels such as Fairtrade or speak to a roaster directly. “Learning about the provenance of the coffee beans is an essential part of every roaster’s journey when they source ethical beans… don’t be afraid to ask questions!”

waste less (a goal of sustainable living)

66. Reduce your energy use.

Energy wastage can be reduced by developing good habits like reducing hot water consumption and switching off unused electronics, such as TVs and computers. To further conserve energy, unplug any electronics that you are not using. Despite being switched off, many electronic devices around your home draw ‘standby’ power when connected to the electrical circuit.

Replace halogen and incandescent bulbs with LEDs, which use far less energy.

Cold water is the best way to wash your laundry. As long as you're not a mechanic, cold water will do the trick. Plus, your garments will love you for it. Washing clothes with warm water can decrease their lifespan.

67. Conserve water.

Another obvious one, but we still waste water unnecessarily. Here are a few ideas to save water:

  • Make your life easier with a dishwasher. Compared to hand washing, they use considerably less water.
  • Try shorter showers. Sometimes we spend way too much time in there! Make it a game with your partner or family; time yourself and see who can shower the quickest. There should be stakes too…
  • Choose a bath over a shower. Make it a relaxing and revitalising experience rather than a chore by lighting some candles and grabbing your favourite book.
  • Consider installing a Grohe shower head that conserves water.
  • Displace some of the water in the cistern; weigh down a used water bottle with pebble or marbles to reduce the volume of water in the cistern.

68. Print less.

Thankfully the printing of paper is slowly becoming obsolete. It's important to remember that every sheet of paper is a slice of tree, and the printing inks are usually a blend of chemicals. Consider the environment before printing something unnecessarily.

closeup typewriter

69. Have your receipt emailed to you.

When buying items at a store, most retailers will be able to email you a receipt. In addition to saving ink and paper, it makes it easier to keep track of your receipts and ensures that they won't disappear! The Countdown app keeps digital receipts of your grocery purchases and even allows you to turn off printed receipts at checkout - how cool is that!

recycle & reuse

70. Reuse greywater.

All that perfectly usable water going down the drain and into the sewage system is just a waste. Instead of wasting greywater, you can use it to water your garden. If your local laws permit it, greywater from basins, showers, and washing & dishwashing machines can be directed straight into your garden, where your plants will be delighted to find a constant supply of perfectly fresh water (their opinion, not our). Also, the soil between the roots of your plants and the outlet will assist in filtering the water. If you want to repurpose greywater directly, you should check with your local authorities.

Graywater can be captured and stored in a greywater tank, where it needs to be appropriately treated. You can read more about reusing greywater here.

Using eco-friendly soap will also help keep the water safe for your plants.

71. Recycle & repurpose.

You should recycle as much as you can, but you should also consider repurposing. Reuse plastic, paper, and glass packaging used to package and store fresh produce. During a meeting or call, you can take notes on the backside of paper that has been previously printed on one side

Outdoor furniture is often made from recycled material. Buy products that are made from recycled materials like these awesome fence posts. They are made from New Zealand's domestic and commercial plastic waste.

72. Use solar energy (and other green energy sources).

Generating power through renewable energy sources, such as solar, is simply another form of recycling. What a liberation! Directly converting the earth's natural resources is far less taxing on our environment than traditional ways of producing electricity, such as the burning of fossil fuels. The more we add clean power to the grid, the more we reduce dependence on fossil fuels for electricity.

For a simple plug-and-play solar power system, check out GridFree's awesome solar power kits.

go digital

Male holding phone to pay with scan

73. Use a digital business card. It’s the way to go!

It's cooler to have digital business cards than printed ones. For some inspiration, check out this comprehensive article.

74. Get a Kindle.

Use a Kindle to save trees, ink, and money! Additionally, you can access any book instantly.

75. Upload your credit and debit cards to your phone.

Though we're no futurists, we believe bank cards will become extinct. With everyone using their phones for contactless payments, bank cards will no longer be necessary, which will reduce waste. As consumers, the faster we make this transition, the sooner banks will abandon cards.

76. Put the phone away.

You've heard it a million times. Yet here you are, reading an article on how to be kinder, on your phone, while you should be spending your time in a meaningful conversation with the friend across the table. Go on, put the phone away!

77. Read The Carbon Almanac.

The Carbon Almanac is an enlightening book about climate change. We are presented with an overview of where we are and what can be done to change things, in terms of climate change. The key message is this: It isn’t too late! But we need to act now.

78. Join the Daily Difference email newsletter.

The Daily Difference Newsletter will connect you with the community behind The Carbon Almanac.

79. Change your search engine to Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees.

Ecosia plants a tree for every 50 search queries you make. How awesome is that? The search engine works just like other well-known search engines.

think about the impact (if you wish to live a sustainable lifestyle)

80. Buy sustainable gifts this Christmas and for upcoming birthdays.

Once again, Ethically Kate has your back with her blog post: "Sustainable Christmas Gift Ideas for New Zealanders".

For some Kind Face inspiration, check out our own blog post: "8 New Zealand-Made Sustainable Christmas Gift Ideas" :)

It is much more special to gift something you have created yourself than to buy something. That is, unless you are buying a hand-crafted, natural product made by Kind Face.

81. Put an end to plastic usage.

We all know that plastic is not an environmentally friendly material. Eliminate it from your life as much as possible. When possible, replace plastic bottles and containers with glass, and use recycled cardboard boxes instead of plastic crates. Single-use plastic products like plastic bags and water bottles end up in landfills very quickly. Or even worse, they end up in natural environments where both land and water are affected. This is experienced the worst by those living in rural areas. It's especially frustrating for those using rural land for sustainable farming.

Plastic can break down into micro-particles and contaminate bodies of water, which can have a negative impact on water use for humans and animals.

82. Use organic, natural materials (instead of plastic and other cheap materials).

Kind Face produces only natural products. "All of our products are free from synthetic materials. Not only are mass-produced sunthetic materials bad for the planet, but they are bad for you and your wellbeing."

Here's another intersting example. Consider hot tubs. The majority of these are mass-produced and made from some form of cheap plastic.

Colonial hot tubs, however, are an excellent example of a natural alternative. These gorgeous timber hot tubs are made to last a lifetime too. This makes them a excellent choice if you're concerned about the the various environmental impacts of installing a hot tub.

Woman Sleeping on a Kind Face Cloud Wool Pillow wearing a Kind Face Weighted Eye Mask in Ink Colour

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Woman Relaxing on a couch with a Kind Face Linen Eye Pillow in Oyster colour

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83. Think before you buy.

Often, we don't stop to think about what an animal had to go through to produce a product that we need. Take wool, for instance. The process of producing wool leaves the sheep unharmed. Making it one of the kindest natural materials available. As a matter of fact, the sheep benefit from it. Shearing a sheep keeps it pest-free. In the summer months, the animal is much more comfortable in the heat. As opposed to duck feathers and down, which can only be harvested when the bird is slaughtered - assuming there is no ‘live plucking’ happening these days.

Small bronze statue of a man contenplating, sitting with his chin resting on his arm and elbow resting on his leg

84. Be mindful of the environmental impact.

We often act without considering the environment. In part, this is due to the fact that we don't stop to consider the environmental impact of all our small decisions. However, even the smallest decisions matter. It is in the best interests of the planet if we are more conscious about the environmental impact of every decision we make.

85. Keep up with NZ's environmental affairs.

Our government has these awesome articles that keep us informed about our current environmental difficulties. They can help us make better decisions on a daily basis.

86. Make your own candles.

Make your own candle by following this guide. In general, making your own is better than buying from a supermarket. It is common for most stores to stock mass-produced products produced in factories where cheaper and faster is better for business, regardless of environmental impact.

When you make your own, you know exactly what's in it. In addition, you can check whether the materials used in your product are sustainable.

87. Minimise the use of disposable batteries.

When possible, use rechargeable batteries. The use of disposable batteries is very harmful to the environment. There is a negative environmental impact with all batteries, but reusable batteries have a much lower impact.

Be sure to dispose of disposable batteries properly. You cannot throw these in the trash, there are special facilities for recycling them. Make the right choice, not the easy one.

88. Use organic body wash and soap.

It is possible for body wash and body soap to contain unnecessary chemicals that are generally harmful to the environment. Organic soaps are much gentler on your skin than conventional soaps. Organic soap is healthier for you and the environment.

89. Use eco-friendly washing detergent and cleaning products.

Green Goddess has an awesome selection of natural cleaning and laundry detergent as well as deodarants and body wellness products. They also host a super invormative blog. Check them out!

It is common for washing detergents to contain nasty chemicals that are largely unnecessary. Instead, use eco-friendly detergents and cleaning products.

Choose eco-friendly when buying cleaning utensils. Choose a straw broom over a plastic one, for instance.

think green

90. Plant trees, shrubs and other plants.

With each new plant, carbon dioxide will be converted into oxygen. Plants are still being removed from the earth at an alarming rate. Replacing these with new ones is only logical!

Besides making awesome birthday gifts, it's an extremely satisfying hobby that is eco-friendly.

91. Grow your own herbs & veggies.

When you can tell your friends the vegetables you grew yourself, you will get a lot of satisfaction, as well as respect from them.

Water spout being used to water vegetables

92. Make compost from organic waste.

Composting is a great way to reuse organic food waste. Chuck all your fruit and veggie peels into your composter and turn them into great organic fertiliser for your plants.

Check out this awesome video by Mitre 10 where they break down (pun intended) the process and explain what equipment you need.

93. Use organic fertiliser .

SwiftGrow will inspire you to go organic! Find out more about their product.

94. Collect rainwater.

Installing a water tank allows you to use water directly from above. The more self-sufficient we are, the less pressure we put on infrastructure and services.

95. For the love of bees, plant some flowers!

According to this worrying article, if we don't intervene, bees may go extinct. What can you do? Plant some flowers! The more pesticide-free flowers there are for the bees to harvest pollen from, the better. Plant some flowers and help save the bees!

Sustainable fashion

96. Buy clothing that lasts.

When shopping for clothes, it can be so tempting to buy cheap materials of inferior quality, but quality matters to the environment. Clothing that is cheap doesn't last and this causes industry to produce more cheap clothing. Buying high-quality natural materials is much better. The production lines are less stressed by high-quality materials because they last longer.

97. Fix your own clothing.

The best way to repair damaged clothing is to sew it up yourself. This is a great way to prolong the life of your favourite pair of pants. This will save you from having to replace your pants.

Alternatively, you can use a seamstress or tailor in your area. They'll probably do a better job, and the cost will still be less than buying a new pair of pants.

98. Repurpose old garments.

If your clothing items are beyond repair, you can cut them up and use them as rags for cleaning.

99. Layer up before you turn up the heat.

Instead of pumping up the heating in your home, you should warm up your body naturally with more layers of quality clothes or blankets.

Add warmth to your layers by sticking a Kind Face Natural Heat Pack underneath.

100. Use less synthetic materials.

Besides being harmful to the environment, synthetic materials are also harmful to your health and wellbeing.

It is much better to choose natural products. In a country that's nature is as amazing as ours, there is no shortage of natural, locally sourced products and materials.

Did you know Kind Face Natural Heat Packs contain New Zealand-grown flax seeds? As a natural heat retainer, flax seeds are an excellent choice for heat packs.

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